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Account Management
Account Management
How do I manage my email preferences?
First off, we’re so sorry for any inconvenience with our emails! We love keeping our customers up-to-date, but we understand if you need a break. Here’s how to unsubscribe:If you don’t have a Wade McCrory Collection account: Click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email you received and follow the prompts from there. You'll be unsubscribed ASAP, but if you continue to receive these emails after 10 business days, please let us know!If you do have a Wade McCrory Collection account, log in and go to your profile tab. In the "Personal Information" block, simply unselect the "send me special offers" button. You can also use the "unsubscribe" button at the bottom of your emails - but if you’ve already used the “unsubscribe” button and are still having trouble, we’re happy to help. Send us an email at, or chat with us live!
How do I change my login email address or password from my account dashboard?
You can change your account email address and password on your Account Home page. All your email subscriptions and order confirmations will be sent to your new email address.
Why is your website asking me to sign in?
You may have chosen to create an account while placing an order with us (even if you haven’t set a password yet). Within your account, you can view your order history, check your order status, and print invoices for previous purchases.If you checked out as a guest or are logging in for the first time, you can set your password by selecting “Create Account” next to “Sign In” on the sign-in page. You can also retrieve your password by clicking "Forgot password?".If you’re still unable to log into your account, please chat us from our chat widget or send us an email at
How do I add or change my profile picture?
To add or change your client account profile picture, follow the steps below.Log in to your client dashboard using (desktop) the profile icon at the top right of any page, (mobile) clicking on the hamburger menu at the top left and clicking "Log In" near the bottom of the menu, or using this link to take you to the log in page.Once logged in, click on the "profile" tab in the account navigation menu - not the main site menu.Use the "upload file" button in the "Personal Information" account section to add a profile picture.Note: If you wish to change your profile picture, simply follow the above instruction but click the "x" under the "Profile Picture" tab in the "My Information" block to choose a new image.
I forgot my password. How do I create a new one?
If you have forgotten your password, click the "Forgot password?" link on the sign in screen, or click here. Once you enter your email address, we will send you an email that includes a link to reset your password.