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How do I know what ingredients are in each of the candles?
To view the ingredients of any particular product, view the "Ingredients" within the product details section on each page. This can be found beneath the candle listings.
Can you tell me more information about your products?
We work hard to include as much information about our products in our product descriptions on the product page, but if there’s something more specific you’d like to know please contact us. 
What if a product is out of stock or not available?
The Wade McCrory Collection carries thousands of variants and hundreds of products. Occasionally, an item may be temporarily out of stock. Our stock is replenished on a weekly and sometimes a daily basis depending on the particular item and variant. Some pages have a "pre-order" feature that allows you to reserve the product for when the product is back. If the product says, "coming soon" or "temporarily out of stock," come visit us again.
Where can I find specific product information and details?
After you have found the perfect product, you can read the benefits and usage information on each product page. The information is located beneath the product listing. All the available fragrances, ingredients, and burning tips/ warnings are listed in this section.
How do I search all the collections and themed candles?
Looking for that perfect collection? The quickest way to find your favorite collection is by using our Collection List. The Collection List is located at the bottom of every page in the footer.
How do I search the Wade McCrory Collection product catelog?
Know exactly what you want? Or perhaps you're just searching for something inspirational? Use our comprehensive Search box located at the top of our site, in the header, to find the exact product you need, or browse through the results that fit your criteria.You can enter a product number or even a partial description of the product as well. You can be as broad as "anxiety" or as specific as "inspirational crayons."